Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What's a mom to do?

Okay, I am making dinner. Jonah is whining, it's that time of day, and won't let go of my leg. So I buckle him in the high chair and throw him a handful of Frosted Flakes to keep him occupied while I finish dinner. Jonah chews on a few flakes, maybe even swallows a few, spits out more and then proceeds to swipe the tray clear of everything and cereal goes flying. Fine, no problem, he can just return to play on the floor. I turn from the room to answer a question Lucas has about homework and when I return, what do I find? Jonah stuffing his face with dog food. Not just one or two. Chipmunk cheeks full. Of dog food. What do I do with this kid who won't even eat Frosted Flakes (Frosted Flakes, people!) yet scarfs down dog food?!

The only thing that keeps me from not losing it about his eating problems is that he still loves his bottles, which he now affectionately calls "Bobby." I know he's getting what he needs from his bottle but then how in the heck do I wean?

I'm tempted just to look up the nutritional value of Kibbles & Bits and call it good. Let them eat dog food!


  1. Ahh this reminds me of my aunt's wedding and how people ate the dog biscuits that were meant to be decorations and not food. Anyway I would ask the pediatrician if there is anything wrong with him eating dog food, and if not I wouldn't encourage it but I would at least not be as concerned if that makes any sense. I wish you mucho luck on getting him to eat though it sounds rough with him not wanting to eat really anything =(

  2. Ava has eaten her fair share of dog food (and still sneaks the occasional dog bone) and has lived to tell the tale...

  3. This is hilarious! Your picture of trying to cook dinner is my life, completely, minus the homework questions. How do people do it with 5 kids!? But do let me know if Kibbles & Bits could equal real food in case I ever battle this problem!

  4. Oh, that's so funny! Good luck with this one! I have no idea what to tell you. Obviously, it's not doing any real damage, so I guess it's okay?! ;-)
