Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Top Tens

Top Ten items we have discovered in our VCR this month
10. Graham crackers
9. My debit card
8. My insurance card
7. Entire puzzle worth of puzzle pieces
6. Matchbox cars
5. A brotherhood of "Lego guys"
4. TV Remote
3. Toy Car
2. Pacifier
And my very personal favorite...

1. An entire wooden back scratcher.  I must admit we were all impressed with that feat.  And yes, we need to move the VCR.

Top Ten Sayings from Jonah this month
 (Nothing is ever just said, it is exclaimed!)

10. "Gotcha!!" as he throws himself on your back and grabs you around the neck
9. "Turn a'wound! Turn a'wound!!" is cried every time we turn from 99 on to Westminster Road. I think it's because he knows we're going home and LOVES being out and about.
8. "Mommy, great song!" is declared after listening to Primary songs in the car, especially "Scripture Power"
7. "Bye Cotton.  See ya later.  Be back soon."  And then a kiss is blown whenever we leave the house.
6. "I wanna baff!" (bath) I hear this at least 4x a day, even if he's already had one. This kid would live in the bathtub if I let him.
5. "Come on, Mommy. Show you!" said to me all day long as he finds my ring finger, always my ring finger, and pulls me to whatever he has to show me.

4. "Trucks!  Nemo!"  The only two movies he wants to watch.  Richard Scarry's Busy Town and Finding Nemo.
3. "He'p! He'p! (Help!) Save Jonah!"  is yelled as he dangles his legs over the side of the bed or couch.  He loves to be saved.
2. "Where's Jonah?  I hiding!" right after he throws the blanket off because he can't hide for more than 4 seconds.
1."No, Mommy!  Stop it!  He'p! He'p!" as I lay him down for his nap every day.  After I get him down he falls unconscious but he fights it every step of the way.

He keeps us laughing and cuddling and enjoying life.
What a crazy joy!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our kid

This is the kid who, once told we were going to the library, hung onto my leg and cried "Library! Library!" as I brushed my teeth. Cried "Library! Go!" as I got dressed and scarfed down some breakfast. The same kid who, as I finally rushed around to find my keys, my arms full of books and door open, decided

 "I want a shower!"
This is the kind of kid who screams in the library bathroom as I change his diaper because he loves to hear his echo.
The kind of kid who won't sit quietly like ALL the other kids in story time and has to rummage through the librarian's play mailbox as she tries to read a story.  I am the mother sitting there wondering if it's more disruptive to just let him play or go up to the front and make a scene.
He is the one kid who is climbing under the table and thinks it's hilarious to scatter around the art supplies.
He's the kind of child who won't participate with the other kids in the bean bag song, but has to pull out the librarian's bongo drum and play it as loud as he can in the middle of the floor.
He's the one who runs around pulling all the stuffed animals off the shelves and screams as I try to make him pick them up.
He's the kid whose mother leaves early from story time. 
He's the one kid who plays dead and goes completely limp as I gather up another armful of books and say it's time to go home.
He's the kind of kid whose mother is ready for nap.

Speaking of Lucas...

Our son, the musician, :) had his very first band concert last Wednesday and it was momentous.  The audience was filled with the beaming, proud parents of a bunch of 5th graders who have been learning an instrument for 3 months.   The kids were thrilled at being the center of attention and to be able to show off their hard work.  And I was such a Mom, asking Lucas to move the music stand so I could see better and stage whispering for him to look at me so I could get a better picture.  The sweet boy took me in stride.

I know.  Most parents would say this about their child, but I have to admit Lucas is pretty good at the trombone.  He and two other of his trombone brothers kept rhythmn and hit their notes strong and clear. 

Video cameras were plentiful as were the endearing mistakes.


Until the spring concert...

Lucas, you're my hero

Since we got back from our weekend in Portland I have not been able to find my "Lucas & Jonah" necklace I received for Mother's Day last year.  I looked EVERYWHERE and had no idea where it could have gotten too.  It was something I even prayed I could find since the necklace has sentimental value.  Well, this afternoon Lucas got 1000 gold stars!   He found it.  Who would have thought to look in the dungeon of the Fischer Price castle?  Hmm, I wonder how it got there?!