Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Top Tens

Top Ten items we have discovered in our VCR this month
10. Graham crackers
9. My debit card
8. My insurance card
7. Entire puzzle worth of puzzle pieces
6. Matchbox cars
5. A brotherhood of "Lego guys"
4. TV Remote
3. Toy Car
2. Pacifier
And my very personal favorite...

1. An entire wooden back scratcher.  I must admit we were all impressed with that feat.  And yes, we need to move the VCR.

Top Ten Sayings from Jonah this month
 (Nothing is ever just said, it is exclaimed!)

10. "Gotcha!!" as he throws himself on your back and grabs you around the neck
9. "Turn a'wound! Turn a'wound!!" is cried every time we turn from 99 on to Westminster Road. I think it's because he knows we're going home and LOVES being out and about.
8. "Mommy, great song!" is declared after listening to Primary songs in the car, especially "Scripture Power"
7. "Bye Cotton.  See ya later.  Be back soon."  And then a kiss is blown whenever we leave the house.
6. "I wanna baff!" (bath) I hear this at least 4x a day, even if he's already had one. This kid would live in the bathtub if I let him.
5. "Come on, Mommy. Show you!" said to me all day long as he finds my ring finger, always my ring finger, and pulls me to whatever he has to show me.

4. "Trucks!  Nemo!"  The only two movies he wants to watch.  Richard Scarry's Busy Town and Finding Nemo.
3. "He'p! He'p! (Help!) Save Jonah!"  is yelled as he dangles his legs over the side of the bed or couch.  He loves to be saved.
2. "Where's Jonah?  I hiding!" right after he throws the blanket off because he can't hide for more than 4 seconds.
1."No, Mommy!  Stop it!  He'p! He'p!" as I lay him down for his nap every day.  After I get him down he falls unconscious but he fights it every step of the way.

He keeps us laughing and cuddling and enjoying life.
What a crazy joy!


  1. Oh the VCR list made me laugh. I also like that Jonah always finds your ring finger. Too cute!

  2. This post had me laughing! So priceless...good thing you documented it or you may not believe it all actually happened!

  3. So hilarious and so adorable! I think my little Henry is going to be following the Way of the Jonah soon. Heaven help us all.

  4. Jonah is so cute! I can't believe the whole back scratcher fit in the VCR!

  5. I loved how when he would cry or be upset about something, all I had to do was to pretend that I was crying, too. He would stop his fussing and immediately come over to me, put his arm around me and say, "It's all right, Nana. It's all right." And then he would forget that he had been upset! It worked every time!
