Sunday, September 26, 2010

Return of The Hair

I wish I had the picture of our family from the Chicago Jackson Family Reunion. It was around 1990 and the Decade of the Hair. My sisters, my mother and I all wore our hair like everyone else. Big and curly. We were "blessed" with curls and we made the most of what we had, let me tell you. We were the girls with H.A.I.R. For example, here's a picture from when I was 16. {Lovin' the eyebrows.}

This was taken the morning I went into the MTC. {Think we're related?!}

But after Lucas was born, hormones took over. Crazy, out-of-control little things that have wreaked havoc on my life. I am amazed at how much they govern in the body and little did I know, how much they affect my hair. It became straighter and straighter as the years went on. So I gave in and began my straight hair phase. It still had curl but it was limp and wacko, so I resigned myself to straightening it everyday.

I learned to really like it. Being able to brush it out and look good as new, and having it look nice for more than a day. I embraced the fact I was older and could use a more sophisticated hair style. Shorter, sleek and trendy.

Almost a decade passes and enter another pregnancy and another hormone wack. My hair since Jonah has been getting more and more out of control. I got lazy this summer and stopped straightening (let me tell you, it got to be such a pain) and now it's as curly as it was back in high school. These pictures don't show the full crazy but I think am just gonna have to re-embrace my au natural, not worrying about frizziness or bigness of curls. I am what I am and that means H.A.I.R again.

So to make a long, pointless post end... I'm back, baby!


  1. Love it, especially the last picture. I would love to have the casual, curly look without having to spend 45 mins with a curling iron. Lucky!

  2. Oh how I wish I could say the same thing! My curls are uneven and lame and only cute when super short. Oh well -- embrace what you've got, I say. You look fabulous!

  3. And by the way, I have the fabulous photo to which you prefer and I'm sending it your way!

  4. Hooray! The return of the hair! (I have secretly missed it.)

  5. I love the H.A.I.R. It's fabulous. I wish my hair would do it again, but apparently it's not to be.

  6. I love your hair!! Am totally jealous of the curls. I think they look fabulous!
