This is repeated every morning from a tearful Jonah watching at the window as Lucas runs to the bus stop. Our big kid started the 5th grade this last week and loves it so far. He has a fabulous teacher, the teacher he wanted, plus his best friends in the class. It's already starting out a hundred times better than the 4th grade. They started an art study of Jackson Pollack so we've been serenaded every night at dinner with oh-so-interesting facts about the artist's life and interests. Did you know his real name is Paul but went by his middle name Jackson? And that he was killed in a car crash when he was just 44? Of course Luke has already come home splattered in paint from numerous creative sessions.
Also, in the 5th grade they invite the students to join band or orchestra. Lucas was all gung-ho. First wanted to learn the drums but they don't offer that through the school, then wanted to play saxophone but they won't let you start that until 6th grade and then wanted to play the trumpet, but EVERYONE wants to play the trumpet. So he "might settle with the trombone or something." He's already taking piano so I don't know if we'll actually venture into trombone territory. His piano teacher also plays the drums in a band so we thought we'd talk to her about maybe a few lessons tacked onto his piano. We'll see. Life these days is all about choices. Lucas decided not to play soccer this season and has decided to run with Aaron instead, much to the joy of his track/cross country star father. They run twice a week together and hopefully we can find a youth track team this next spring. Aaron is also giving him Spanish lessons. 10 minutes after dinner every night. Que bueno.
Lucas is smart, funny, kind and thoughtful. He is a crazy, wacky 10 year old boy who shows surprising maturity when called for and a love of life. He sat down next to me last night and marveled at how lucky he was. "I am 10 year old boy, so blessed to live where I live, to be healthy, to have the Gospel, to have my wonderful family. What more could I ask for?!"
I agree. What more could I ask for?
So grown up. We sure enjoyed having him with us so much this summer. We already can't wait until Thanksgiving.