Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Don't Look Too Closely

That is my craft motto. Always has been. I love to create stuff but I tend to not to be a perfectionist (due to inability and inpatience), so I just go with the flow and what comes out, comes out. I am currently re-doing our family room, bit by bit. I am still working on the dining room but I got inspiration for the family room and just got sidetracked. So, I made new pillows. I finally found fabric I liked at a price I liked.

Here's our family room taken a few years ago while I was in my rust and green phase. My taste is much lighter now, whites and blues and neutrals. Thus, the make over.

This I made out of turquoise canvas and got the pattern from Make It & Love It. This gal is a wiz on the sewing machine and I am not, so it took me a little work and persistance. But I LOVE how it turned out! Worth all the sweat. And cost only $5 worth of fabric and thread.
The pillow is sitting on my current project...a white slipcover for our rocking chair. Yes, white. No, I am not crazy. I am loving it! Again, sometimes I amaze even myself because it is turning out better than ever thought it could. With the caveat, "you don't look too closely." My seams aren't straight, I can't figure out how to close the seat cushion in back, etc. Anyway, more on that later...

I recovered three other pillows with one white ruffly one still in construction. I'll show that one later too.

I know. Lighting in my pictures are awful but I am lame and I don't know how to change the exposure and make it look better. Someday maybe I'll learn.

I have more projects I want to post and now that I am getting back into blogging, maybe I'll post about them. I am slow because I don't trust the Disaster very long while he's awake, so I can get my best, focused work done when he's asleep. But there are SO many things I try to get done while he's alseep. We'll see what comes.


  1. I love all three pillows, especially the green ruffly one.

  2. Your pillows look GREAT! I especially love the green texture-y one. You are amazing. Love it. Also, thanks for coming over the other day to say hi. It was fun! Please come again! :-)

  3. Hey, thanks a lot. I wanted to see how you made that ruffly pillow, so I googled "Make it and love it", which brought up some VERY interesting websites to research. Yikes. Don't try this at home.

  4. So fun! I can't wait to come see it.
