Monday, February 15, 2010

A few highlights from the week

I wonder how many memories our children will really have? Will they truly remember the moment? Or will they just remember seeing a video of it? I have quite a few videos of when I was a drama-filled child, narrating commercials, giving tours of our kitchen cabinets and giving a lengthy synopsis of my then-current dreams such as "discovering Jupiter or something." How much do I remember about myself then or do I remember it because there is a record? Either way, that record now lets me see how much the 10 year me looks and acts like the 10 year old Lucas. I love that we have such a wonderful record that can help our boys make a connection to their mother. Not so different from their craziness. In this digital age, we have a wonderful record of our kid's lives and that they, and their kids, can relive the joys (mostly) we feel right now during the throws of childhood. I guess that's a reason I started to blog. 1. Share pics with the grandparents. 2. What a great family history!

Cotton has decided Jonah has now graduated to regular play. The dog would never tug-of-war with him before, but now both of them LOVE playing! This is just one time out of 20 that have happened this week.

Jonah has finally taken his first steps!! Yea! And oh-no. We thought he was a terror crawling and getting into everything, now this just raises his accessibility another foot or so. He's already getting into the garbage, pulling things off the tables and flinging himself head first into the bathtub.

We label this the"Diabolical Laugh." Mwa-ah!

Jonah may not know what he is saying but he sure understands when he's being asked a question .

These are all of Jonah this week. I'll be posting some with Lucas (to be fair :) and you can all be serenaded with "Star Wars" themes on the piano and silly jokes that are only funny to the 10 year old boy that made them up.


  1. What a cutie! That's so nice that now he can take over some of the Cotton-entertaining duties for you.

  2. How fun for all of you to enjoy watching your sweet baby grow. I noticed he had major hesitation when asked if he loved Grandma and Grandpa, which shows he is clueless as to who we are. But he certainly can tell if you're asking a question. He came through, big time. His relationship with Cotton is so sweet. Thank you for the MAJOR update. Love, Mom
