Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Morning bliss

It's 10am and Jonah is down for his SECOND nap of the morning. He got up at 6am as usual and is already unconscious for the second time. I guess he just got out of whack for a few days and now he's making up for it. I love it! I've worked out, written emails for PTA, made myself a great breakfast of fresh fruit and eggs, studied my scriptures and even bought a few new prints for the dining room. I decided I needed to do something new in there. We have the classic fruit pictures we bought 10 years ago and a heavy, old mirror I salvaged at DI that needs new life. I'll switch out the fruit for something more...I don't know the word. More modern? Brighter? Anyway just better. I found some GREAT prints on etsy. And paint the mirror yet again to match the new, brighter colors. Add new curtains, a chandelier (I haven't run that past the hubby yet. Love you.) for better light and whatever else I can come with. I saw a great, low dresser out on a lawn down the street the other day. You know the place where they put stuff that they want people to just take. It had great lines and would fit right in the corner where we keep the phone. All it needed was to be refinished and some updated knobs. But it took me a day to get the nerve to go ask them about it and when I went back it was gone. So sad. Gotta snatch those deals when I see them.

We're also remodeling our master bathroom and I'll do before and after shots once we're done. I was talking to a good friend the other day about all the work we've done to our old house. We've redone almost everything inside and out, doing most of it ourselves. I have random before and after pictures of a few rooms that I'll post sometime. We're definitely not professionals but like I've said before, our motto has always been "It couldn't look any worse." Except maybe our front yard. The jury is still out on that one.


  1. Sounds like you guys are busy with projects. Good luck! I hope they all turn out great!

  2. I'm glad Jonah finally took a nap!!! :-) That's great...Ah, I love nap time...
