Tuesday, September 29, 2009

9 months

Jonah had his 9 month wellness check up this week and is growing like he should. He's hit most of his milestones and "is thriving!" {I love my doctor because she's always glowing about the progress of your child. The whole appointment is filled with "He's perfect!" and "What a beautiful boy!"and "Such a cutie!" I in no way believe she says that just to me and my (obviously) beautiful baby, but she knows what the parents want to hear.}


Weight: 21 lbs {26th%}
Height: 30 in {95th%}

So he's basically tall and skinny in this stage of development, a stage he obviously did not get from his mother. Even the doctor asked me if my husband was tall because he didn't seem to be getting my height. That's okay. I came to terms with my shortness years ago and am comfortably petite. But thankfully our boys haven't inherited it.

Jonah is army crawling all over the place, constantly making his rounds from room to room making sure all is scattered to his liking. He pulls himself up on things which makes me nervous since he is not too nimble but he's only fallen a few times. He finally slept through the entire night again after a week messed up by a cold. Man, you sure get used to your sleep and it whacked me out not getting my solid 8 hours. Naps are still eratic and never last more than an hour, but what's a mom to do. He has two bottom teeth with two top ones fighting to make an appearance and I'm sure that hasn't helped things.

He's also turning into a mama's boy and usually wants me if I'm in the room. Lucas was never that way, always went to anyone so this is kind of new. But as you can see from the video, JB also loves his daddy who can always get him to laugh with his silly songs.

We filmed one take too many. Over-enthusiastic parents. Lucas and I laugh every time we see Jonah's face before he goes over.
No babies were harmed in the making of this clip.


  1. I love videos made by over-enthusiastic parents...too cute. You guys have such a cute little boy.

  2. It was so great to have you & Jonah here the last days, even if he was having a little bit of a hard time. He is so cute! He has such a happy smile. And I can attest that Aaron did the same kind of silly dancing/shaking with my kids and there appears to be no ill effects! :)
