Thursday, May 16, 2013

Spring has sprung

This has been the second sunniest, driest spring in Portland's history.   And I love it.   Parks have been played at, Slurpees have been slurped, and legs have tried to tan.   This week the rain has come back but the weeks of sun and warmth stay in my heart. :).

We've spent many 'a afternoon at the park near our house. One day Jonah joined right in with a group of kids rolling down the hill.  I remember being able to do that... before my old, rickety bones feel every bump and rock.  Some times it's sad being an old mom.  I know 38 isn't "old" but it's too old for me to be rolling down a hill with my preschooler.

I had to laugh because he tried and tried to get a roll going, but then just ended up running every time.  It'll come with maturity.

We also went swimming.  A lot.  Ok, the boys went swimming a lot.  With a new pool just 1 minute from our house it's been easy to pop over and play for an hour or so. 

Jonah took diving lessons one night...  (I messed up the videos and now have all the right ones.)

Jonah took the "dive" into his own hands.  
Face plants don't seem to bother him.
Crazy boys.

1 comment:

  1. That boy is certainly braver than his Grandma and Grandpa (for that matter). He'll get it. He's so little, but is just fearless. I'm impressed.
