Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Wall of Chocolate Memories

Collect anything?   My mom collected elephants when I was growing up, my sister had a hundred ceramic animals and I collected rocks.  Not special, rare rocks.  Just ones I found in the yard that I liked.  I had it for years.

But I also collected Michael Jackson paraphernalia.  I am so not the obessive type, but I sure loved the guy.  I was 8 or 9 and I even got a Michael Jackson Barbie doll, complete with "Beat It" outfit, "Thriller" leather jacket and a plethora of white gloves.  I LOVED it!  After all these years, I honestly don't know where it is at the moment.  Sad, huh.

Aaron kept a collection too. Of candy wrappers.  Not just any candy wrappers.  Argentine alfajor wrappers from his mission.  A cookie, chocolate, ducle de leche confection you found everywhere. 

This collection had stayed hidden for 15 years tucked in a box in his parents basement.  But no more!  I resurrected the things and framed them for Aaron for Christmas this last year.  They are now resting comfortably in their new home of Aaron's office.

Here they are in all their cellophane glory!

My attempt at artsy.

Note the new set of boxes unearthed during Aaron's last trip to his parent's home for Conference.  Guess what one of them contained?  About 50 more wrappers.  So, do I add 2 more frames of wrappers?  That is if I can find more frames.  I got those four at some amazing Joann's sale about 5 months ago.
Time and luck will tell if these guys get two more companions.


  1. That is such a great idea! The colors are so vibrant. And I'm impressed that he saved all those - and that his parents didn't toss them, hehe.

  2. Aaron:
    And just for the record, I actually had to EAT the alfajor for it to count towards the collection. So I am awesome.

    But Nat is more awesome - thanks for one of the coolest Christmas gifts I've ever gotten!

  3. I LOVE all of your creative art work, Action! Who knew I was living with such an artist all those years ago? Aaron is one lucky fellow!

  4. I love that Natalie! Really cute!
