Monday, August 15, 2011

My Man

Saturday was the day he hadn't been preparing for all summer. At the beginning of the year Logan, our dear friend, asked if Aaron was interested in participating in the Coeur D'Alene triathlon.  Aaron had only done one mini triathlon before while at BYU but thought, what the heck.  How bad could it be?  Training went great until June 17th when we took off for vacations, house hunting trips, family reunions, catching up with work, more house hunting trips and just our crazy summer.  I would have used that as a good excuse to bow out gracefully, but Aaron was determined to follow through.

So came a chilly Saturday morning at dawn, these 4 plus 996 others prepared for the Olympic length triathlon.

Birch, Brent, Aaron & Logan

Aaron didn't have road race bike, so he had one of the YM in our ward who worked at a bike shop, put one together for him.

Logan and Aaron all suited up for the first leg: a mile long swim. Sa-weet caps!

Aaron had never been in a full wetsuit, let alone swim in one. And in open water too.  Me, of little faith, was praying he just wouldn't drown.

Off they go.

And back again.  Aaron made great time and was feeling pretty strong after the long swim.

A quick change and he was ready for the 25 mile, mostly uphill, bike ride. 
(Sorry to sexy shirtless man I immortalized in our blog. Little does he know he will be forever remembered by my 5 readers.)
Off he went. Love a man in bike shorts! Woot, whoo!

Here he comes.  Rounding the bend toward the finish.

He's ready and pumped for the 6.2 mile run.

And across the finish line!   He had a great run time (though I don't know what it actually was :)  But I'm sure it was great! I tried to take a picture and realized my camera was turned off. So I was able to snap one just when he stopped running right after the finish line.

Tired but feeling good.  I am so proud of you, love of my life!

Logan feeling pretty good as well.  He was awesome!!

Aaron and Lucas in their post race picture together.  I'm not sure if Aaron wants to make this an annual tradition.
Now it's on to Hood To Coast in two weeks...


  1. Amazing! Tell Aaron I'm so proud of him and I beat him by 23 minutes!!!! Oh, that feels so good. Still a great accomplishment. We're so excited for you guys to move to P-town, see you in 10 days for H2C!

  2. Aaron says: thanks Em! I don't feel bad that you beat me by 23 minutes. The entire Male over 70 age group also beat me, the bike section was being called a "widow-maker," so I'm just glad I'm not in a ditch in Idaho somewhere still...

  3. It's funny, after not checking my reader for a week, this is the second triathlon post from the blogs I read. Must be that time of year. Awesome job, I'm jealous of Aaron's fitness and courage! Also, I lol'd when I read that comment about shirtless guy's legacy, haha!
