To begin, does anyone remember where we went for the holidays? Arizona! And guess what? We almost had a white Christmas. Since we were in Prescott about 1 1/2 hours north of Phoenix, we could actually get snow.
I was bummed since I was ready for a taste of the Arizona sun and warmth but the boys loved playing. And hot chocolate was had by all, so it wasn't all bad. And it only stayed 2 days.
Chess was a very common activity for the men. Our ten year old nephew Jack won the majority of games.
3 boys, 3 buddies who played lightsabors and Legos, wrestled and explored, challenged each other on Wii and fought very little for 2 weeks straight. It was yummy.
We made "ginger bread" houses one afternoon. Goofball, who won't smile normally...
Katherine and I glueing the houses together with burnt sugar.
"One of these things is not like the others..."
Katherine (the 2 year old crying niece above) has a presonality like no one else. She has energy bubbling out her ears and must be the center of attention at all times. You instantly love her because she instantly and so wholeheartedly loves you. One Monday night we were having Family Home Evening, one night each week where we have a lesson from the scriptures and a family activity, and my dad was teaching about how to respect your parents. He was standing in front having the kids make a list of 10 ways to show respect when Katherine just couldn't stand it anymore and she had to go up and yell her 2 cents. She keeps us all thoroughly entertained...
Jonah was his usual curious self and into everything, the pantry being a favorite hang out.