Saturday, August 22, 2009

Poor Baby

Jonah was awfully cranky yesterday. Could it have been the large goose egg on his forehead from when he fell off the bed, landed on the dresser and we ended up in the emergency room getting a CT scan just to be sure there was no brain damage? Or could his stomach have been upset from having to drink the smelly, back-up soy formula because Mom mis-counted how much we had left? No, (though I'm sure none of the above helped the situation) it actually turned out to be his first tooth breaking through. All that drooling finally paid off and he has hit yet another milestone of babyhood.

PS His head is fine and you can hardly tell where his head met the dresser knob.


  1. Teething was the worst for all my kids. They could take the head bumps, fevers, colds, etc. but those teeth must be painful coming in, cause they were cranky!

  2. Poor Jonah. It sounds like he has had a few traumatic things happen all at once. Glad to hear he is OK though.

  3. I had no idea this happened! I'm glad he's okay. It's so scary when they fall and bonk their heads. I turn into a nervous wreck until I know they're truly okay.
