Monday, June 16, 2014

I'm a fake

I kill plants.   Every time.  I don't know what it is.  I always give them too much water.  Not enough water.  Too much or not enough of something.  Every time.

But I keep trying anyway.  This time I knew I had a lot stacked against me but I wanted pots out by the front door. Pots that would get very little direct sunlight.  Like hardly any.  I searched for shade plants as best I could, planted them, gave them a good watering and crossed my fingers.

I watered them every other day really well but of course it wasn't right.  Everything died on me, like always.  So I had a decision. 

- Buy more plants and keep trying to not kill them.
- Don't have pots out at all.
- Go fake.

I know some people are vehemently against fake plants but that is all I have in my house.  I love greenery but my thumb is just not green. Not even a hint.  And I'd never ventured the fake stuff out side.

Then IKEA and Michael's had some cute, semi-realistic looking greenery and I said to heck with it, Fake it is.

(Everything looks a little askew in this picture.  I've fixed the leaves but too frustrated with my computer to upload a new picture. And before we put up our little sign, we had solicitors stopping by to chat ALL THE TIME. I had to put a stop to it. Some still stop by even with a sign.)

I like it.  It fits my "Set it & Forget it" mentality of plants and nothing has to come to my house to die.  I consider it a win-win.

I also bought a new rug and saturated it with water-proofing stuff to help keep the stains and junk down. 

Yep, all about low maintenance around here.

1 comment:

  1. Everything you do is golden...except plants. : )
