Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A chip off the ol' block

Jonah takes after his dad in many ways. One I love best is their ability to make friends anywhere.  They are genuine and have an innate talent of talking to anyone and making people feel comfortable.  Jonah has no fear.  We went to Luke's tennis tournament and within 60 seconds he went up to a 10 year old girl and started the stream-of-consciousness conversation.

"Hi!  I'm Jonah.  What's your name?"

 "I'm 'free.'  What old are you?"

"That's great.  This is my mom.  Is that your mom?  What old is she?"

"I have brown hair.  And brown eyes.  You have blue eyes."

"There are cre-e-epy dinosaurs in the forest.  I am wearing a pull-up."

"This is my shirt.  Do you like it?"

"This is Lukey's transformer, Bumblebee.  Do you want to play with me?"

And off they went.  Easy as pie, new friends.

His two front teeth look better. Months ago he fell in the church gym and damaged the nerves, so his teeth have been grey. :(
There's nothing to really do until they fall out in a few years. But for whatever reason, they've been getting lighter.

They played tag, ring around the rosie, fought monsters in the forest, stalked dinosaurs in the bushes and laid in the grass watching the clouds.

Ali was so sweet with him.

I needed to write this post this morning.  I was woken up by his yelling in my face to get out of bed. (For years I woke up to Lucas snuggling up in bed with me for 20 minutes before we got up.  Jonah, not so much.)   He then proceeded to throw 45 minutes worth of tantrums because I was making him carry his own stuffed dog down stairs, then because I asked him to calm down before I would get him some milk and then a melt down because we were having family scripture study and he wanted to watch a show.  He is one stubborn little dude.  And loud.

Luckily this is not normal behavior and once we got some breakfast into him, he felt much better.  I think his blood sugar gets low and he hulks-out.  Nothing a cracker can't fix.

He's my buddy.  And gives the best pucker fish kisses this side of the Mississippi.


  1. Cute. Too Cute. I wish my friends became friends because they were easy to talk to! That part where you told about Jonah screaming to get you awake... well lets just say that sounds like our family :)

    ~Julia Williams

  2. so cute!! did you edit those pics in photo shop?? I love them!

  3. When I'm trying to make a friend, I always tell them I'm wearing a pull-up, too. But it never seems to work. I loved your blow-by-blow of their conversation. Cute Jonah!

  4. Oh those little ones. Always reminding us that things are so simple. :)

  5. That's so cute! I love his little personality...and gheesh, the nerve of you making him carry his stuffed dog down the stairs all by himself! ;-)

    PS- I love that you have a house with stairs. That means it's probably a little bigger than 1300 sq. feet! :-)

  6. cute conversation! You are so good with documenting his cute sayings
