Monday, July 12, 2010


I have not been this sick in a L.O.N.G. time. We were in Portland all last week to visit with my sister's family and to have Lucas attend animation camp with his cousin Jack. So fun!

But come Thursday I came down with a combination of a stomach bug that was going around and a flu that left me in a fever-driven comatose state for almost 3 days. My throat swelled up to where it killed to even think about swallowing and my entire body ached. I mean my ears hurt. My toes hurt. Every joint in my body ached. I spent about 4 hours of Friday awake. The rest was spent in a drug-induced sleep that just left me more achy and more tired. I won't even mention the puking. Aaron and my sister Genet took care of everything. That's when you know you've married a good man, one who still loves you and tells you you're beautiful even when you haven't bathed for 3 days and your sweaty hair is plastered to your forehead. He then completely packs everything up to go home (which is quite a feat since we've spread ourselves out throughout the house), cleans the basement, changes the sheets and gets everything packed in the car. He's changed every one of Jonah's poopy diapers and changed him when he decided to go back in the baby pool, fully clothed, right as we are walking out the door. Aah, that man takes good care of me.

The saddest part about it was not being able to see our niece Camille on Friday or Saturday. She is up from Texas and we haven't seen her in years. (Sorry, Camille!) I am hoping to figure out a way to see her when I go back down to pick Lucas up from Portland.

We some how made it home on Saturday, I stayed in bed all day Sunday and I am just venturing out of my room for the first time this morning. I feel better than I have in days, but it's 9am and I am ready for a nap. The laundry and the get-the-house-back-in-order-post-vacation is just going to have to wait one more day. This rainy Monday weather is quite conducive to just hunkering down and convalescing with movies and herbal tea. And I think that is exactly what I am going to do...after my nap.


  1. Yikes! Aaron is a good husband, that's for sure! Hope you feel better and YES, the getting the house back in order can go back to bed!! :) Hope you feel better soon! Do you need milk or anything from the grocery store?? I'm going today anyway and would love to pick up any necessities! seriously, call me if you need something!!

  2. Natalie! I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. I'm also going to be out running errands this afternoon and would be happy to pick something up for you guys, or come over and help if you need anything. Feel free to give me a call!

  3. Oh my goodness! That sounds awful!! Can I help in some way?!? You indeed married a good man. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. Nat, I'm sorry you were so sick!!!! What a total and complete drag. Glad you're feeling a little better. And yes, Aaron is awesome.

  5. Oh Natalie, not fun at all girl. I'm so glad you had Aaron and Genet to take care of things. Hope you are recovered now.

  6. You are so sweet not to mention that I GAVE you all that illness. What a fun trip! Thanks for coming. We love you!
