Friday, July 30, 2010


We got another bug. But this time it's some virus that turned off the "asdf...jkl;" keys on our laptop. What's up with that? Can you write a post or do anything without such keys? I quickly discovered no. I keep turning the laptop off and then back on to see if it will magically fix itself, but alas, no such luck. The frustrating thing about it, at least to me, is that I keep all our pictures on the laptop and have a system of how and where to store them so I can post them easily. We have a new laptop coming and now I have to learn something new and I'm old and I don't like change. Dang it.

Anyway, picking up from the last post, I am all better and feeling good. Lucas has been off at cub scout day camp this week and, though it's been super fun, he is ready for it to be over. Can you be burned out with too much fun? He was gone for 3 weeks in July doing amazingly fun things like animation camp with his cousin Jack, camping in Bend where all the kids followed him around like the pied piper plus hiking, golfing and movies with his grandparents in Spokane. Over all, a pretty great summer so far.

And August will be just as full. I went a little camp-happy this year and signed him up for 2 more camps this month. Mainly because his best friend, Kyle was signing up for them but now I think Lucas is feeling burned out and just wants to be home. I can understand that, I like to be home too. And I am wanting a little down time with my Lucas, slurping popsicles (like only Lucas can slurp them) on our back porch and riding bikes around the neighborhood. We may just have to cancel some fun so he can spend some time with his mama.

Now, a post is no post unless it has pictures. At least my writing doesn't stand alone. So, since our recent pictures are trapped in the bowels of our "asdf...jkl;" disadvantaged computer, I picked out super-random-but-some-of-my-favorite pics of Lukey. Or Gookey, as he's referred to lately.

Now, how could not just love that little face on his first day of kindergarten!?

Or lazily "swimming" with his daddy...

Contemplating his future....

Cuddling with his great-grandmother, Judy "Honey, it's gotta DO something!" Fish...

And how he spent his entire early costume and fighting the bad guys.

I know. How random.
Love, love, love this kid.


  1. Can a kid get any cuter than that? I've been going through withdrawal waiting for a new posting.

  2. Dad should get to Ecuador tonight. No way to reach him. :(

  3. I miss Grandma Fish. I'm sure that she's chuckling at Jonah all of the time and keeping an eye on Lukey.

  4. eewww virus. I am sorry your computer is sick. That is always always ALWAYS stressful!

  5. Very cute pics of Lucas. Sorry your computer is sick. That's a bummer.

  6. I've done virus removal on many a sick laptop. If you still can't get it working give me a call. --Trevor
