Sunday, October 4, 2009

Turnabout's Fair Play

This is Aaron. Natalie wanted me to share a quick story with all.

She and I went on a date a couple of weeks ago and came home and pulled into the driveway. It was farily early still - but dark - and the porch light wasn't on. I figured we could take advantage of the early hour and the darkness to...ahem...make out a little bit. Natalie wants me to add here that there was only kissing going on.

I start channeling Barry White and make my move. After three rather enjoyable seconds, the porch light comes on and bathes us in a spotlight akin to a convict trying to escape through a prison yard. We look at each other and somehow knew - it was Lucas. When asked if this was the case, he said something like "Yeah - I knew you guys were out there."

Though I'm not quite sure why, we both feel a little guilty about the whole episode. But that kid sometimes cramps my style in a BIG way.

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious. I am sure you will get him back in the same way one day :)
