Jonah turns 6 freakin months old next week and I can't hardly believe it. His talents are never ending like turning over, eating his weight in formula every day and being a happy, contented baby. He's quick to smile and laugh and share his constant stream of drool with all who hold him.
We went for a family walk and Jonah sat in the stroller without his car seat for the first time. We didn't hear a peep out of him as he just stared at everything.
Lucas wanted to be sure his brother would be protected...
Lucas has mixed feelings about ending the school year. He won't miss homework but has loved his teacher and friends. Yes, the kid will be starting the 4th grade in the fall and his mother is getting grey hairs just thinking about it. My mom made a comment that Lucas has entered the stage of life where he will actually remember these times for the rest of his life. We better make them good.
Lucas has loved cubscouts and has a great group of boys and leaders. For the end of the year bash they all made marshmallow shooters and went to war. Boy heaven.
JB has started solid food which means mess all around. I make my little corn and peas and carrot ice cubes and he enjoys chewing on the bib while I try and feed them to him. I love this picture because you just start to see a hint of the cute, patented half smile he inherited from his daddy.
And here he demonstrates yet again the burrowing cave-sleeping he inherited from the dog.
I CANNOT BELIEVE how alike Jonah and Lucas look. And just looking at that solid-foods picture gives me cold chills--so much laundry!!!!!!