Monday, June 1, 2009

Deja Vu

Last week I took Jonah to the zoo with some good friends and their kids. The whole time I was shaking my head saying to myself, haven't I done this before? Wasn't it Lucas that was napping in the front carrier? And yet it was forever ago that I was here with Lucas, our zoo pass and a different pack of friends. It's now Round 2 and I'm starting back at the beginning. Jonah brings back so many memories of Lucas it makes me smile everyday. Attending playgroups that are just as much for the moms as they are for the kids, scouring the house for pacifiers wondering where in the world they could have hidden themselves this time, freezing homemade baby food in our ice trays, bouncing the fussy baby the front carrier while making dinner and counting the minutes until daddy gets home. I find myself singing songs I haven't sung in years, reading books Lucas and I used to love together, smelling that same spit up smell in the neck of my baby that I actually love. And I find myself enjoying it even more the second time around. I'm a lot more relaxed. I thoroughly cherish and appreciate this wonderful miracle we've been given. I've learned to savor the little moments because they go by so quickly. In no time at all my baby is going to be 9 year old boy roller blading around the house listening to music on an IPod and telling me I don't need to lecture him on the merits of choosing the right every time he tells me about the goings on of his friends at school. He knows it all already.

JB's smile is all Lucas.

Cotton got a shave last week that was definitely needed. I like him again even if it was way too short and he looks like a rat dog. I've gotten some books from the library to try to teach him a few manners, like not barking at all the big dogs when we go around Greenlake. It's embarrassing. Luckily most owners think it's funny to see such a small fry take on dogs that could eat him for breakfast. But every once in a while I get looks from owners like, how dare you take him out in public and let him actually bark. I've added "dog training" to my long to-do list in life.

Lucas takes after his father and loves to run. I find it's one of the things in life where he really pushes himeslf. He stated to me he doesn't want to be on a team but just wants to run for fun. Lucas and Aaron are going to sign up for a few races this year and they love to train. I'm actually running a little myself, if you can call my pathetic shuffle a run.


  1. Great post! It is amazing how fast they grow up. I find I'm a lot more relaxed with each kid as well. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older and wiser or just more tired!

  2. Your boys are so cute!!! Okay, and I don't see what you guys are talking about with Jonah's "giant head." It looks totally normal to me (and you know I'd be brutally honest if he actually DID have a big head, after some of Aaron's comments about George's head. Not that I remember things like that...) Love you!
