"At least he doesn't act like one." Jonah had his 4 month check up this week and the doctor kept shaking her head saying she can't believe he was born 6 weeks early. He weighs 16 lbs 5 oz and is over 100th percentile in height if you use his adjusted birth date. She suggested we don't even adjust his birth date and measure him as any other 4 month old from now on. So on the normal 4 month scale, he's 90th percentile for height, 75th for weight and actually has a small head coming in at only 50th. Strange because we've always thought Jonah had a big head. Anyway, he's huge and surpassed all the 4 month milestones. He smiles and laughs and loves it when you sing to him. We have some great video and when I figure out how to post it, I will. He smiles when we look at books and last night we got down a few of the many boxes of children's books we saved from Lucas days. It brought back so many memories of the hours Aaron and I spent reading picture books with Lucas. It made us both smile. Jonah consistently sleeps through the night but only sleeps well during the day if I'm holding him. He's ready for solid food but I'm afraid. Now we're just going to have colorful (and staining) spit up to deal with.

This picture is a few months old but I've always loved it of Grandma and JB. They are both so cute.

We started out garden again this year. Aaron bought plants from the Boy Scout fundraiser and got 8 tomato plants. So we planted 6 and gave the last 2 to our neighbors. We have a little room for the squash and zucchini plants friends gave us and a few carrots Lucas wants to grow but not much room for much else in our small garden box. My mom is going to teach me how to can all our tomatoes. That is if I didn't get overzealous and plant them too early. It's been a little chilly still.

Lucas asked me to post this picture. He likes it, mostly because he took it. What a cute couple!
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