Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's official, though it's been unofficial for months

Last week I asked Lucas to play with JB outside while I fixed dinner.  A few minutes pass and he comes in and asks if he could pull weeds and prepare the garden for seeds. 

Hmmm.  Let me think. Of course, young man.  Weed away.

Jonah helped by walking around menacingly with a log, keeping Lucas on task.

We're officially ready for spring.


  1. You're so cute Natalie, I love your posts. =)

  2. I hope your garden is well taken care of by Lucas and not destroyed by Jonah ;)

  3. I love your posts. And I love your boys. We miss you guys already. I agree that you do the best on Lucas' haircut. What a handsome man! You'll just have to get some of his lady admirers at school to agree with you and then he'll be putty in your hands! I hope the garden grows well - if we ever get any more sun!!

  4. Ahhh... To have grass! We have the weeds... Best of luck with the garden!

  5. that is so cute!! I can't believe how big Jonah is getting :)

  6. I would love someone to weed for me! That's nice to have your own garden!
