Tuesday, April 19, 2011

JB Quote #1

Sacrament meetings can be difficult with this little escape artist.  I bring books, paper and crayons, treats, toys, threats, but very little seems to work to keep Jonah quiet the whole hour of sacrament meeting.  Like I said, he's an explorer.  So I had him out in the foyer for the second time trying to keep him quiet on my lap.  (I'm trying to teach him it's much more fun to quietly play in the chapel than sitting still on my lap out in the hall.  So far...not working.)  This Sunday we were sitting on the couch underneath the picture of the rescurrected Christ.  Jonah had run out with two toy figures and while we sat on the couch, they, of course, had a fight.  Growling and fighting one of the figures who was apparently losing, yelled out, "Help me, Jesus! Help me!"  I couldn't tell if his plea worked or not. I was too busy laughing.

It reminded me of our "famous" Lucas quote from when he was 5.  We had been trying to teach him how to be a good winner and so made up a saying to help him.  Grandpa overheard this gem while Lucas was playing alone with his figures.  "Great job!  You played well...wienerhead."   It is now unreverently quoted after each game played by the family.

Gotta love boys.


  1. lol! At least on the plus side there are a lot of other kids making noise in your sacrament meeting =) Good luck on teaching Jonah how to be quiet.

  2. What fabulous posts! I love your boys and can't wait to see them on Friday!
