Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Anyone have a hose?

A few months ago I convinced Aaron, Genet and Mark to sign up for a race with me. I am SO not a runner but this race is one I could get into. I was planning on being in a lot better shape by then but I guess it ended up more of a kick off (yes, another one) to getting my mojo back.

We made a great team andecided to all stay together throughout the 5K that was filled with too many hills, and obsctales such as scaling walls, crawling under barbed wire, wading through chest COLD high water, climbing rope walls, jumping over fire and trudging (or swimming in Aaron's case)through waist height mud. You can check out the craziness here.

You couldn't ask for a better race partner than Aaron. He was everything I needed. Obnoxious, funny, encouraging, giving me a literal push when I needed it. Love that man!

We think we want to make this race an annual event. Anyone want to join us?


  1. How cool is that! I'm not shocked that Aaron is covered head to toe in mud, haha! Oh man, makes me wish I lived closer so I could do it. I'll just have to find one out here and get Dan into running...

  2. Looks so fun! And, WHAT is Aaron wearing???? Way to go!

  3. Looks so fun! I totally want to do day. Glad you had fun!

  4. He looks like Swamp man! Love it!

  5. There is NO way Dad and I would EVER enjoy that. I'm still grimacing as I look at the mud from head to toe. When I first looked at Aaron, I thought that was a bronze statue. Ewwwww!
