Friday, December 2, 2011

My antidepressant

I can't be sad when I am around this kid.  One round of rescuing Baby Jesus off the stable roof or the daddy train teaching his baby train how to use the potty, and I can't help but smile. Everything in his life is fun.  Whether we're running errands, going visiting teaching or to the vet, he always replies, "That sounds like fun!"

He talks to himself in his car seat and cracks himself up, sending him into a fit of George McFly-esque forced guffaws.

He always interrupts by pointing up his finger and stating, "I have an idea!" Or "Mom, I have a question!" But when asked to elaborate, he's got nothing. No idea. No question. Just wanted to interrupt.

He loves to sing.  Especially "Nephi's Courage" (which has become our family anthem because we sing it for every FHE since we always ask Jonah to pick :) and to the Dragon Tales CD we have in the car.  He'll sing even when he doesn't know the song and just make it up as he goes along.  Hymns in sacrament meeting, the radio or commercials on TV.  He just loves to sing.

He was started crying in the bathtub one night. Not knowing what happened, I of course asked him. He sobbed, "I just freaking out, Mom!  I just FREAKING out!"  He then calmed down and went about his bathtub business.  Never found out what else was bothering him, just that he was freaking out about it. 

Yesterday he was playing with all the Christmas tree ornaments when I told him it was time to read and go down for a nap.  He gives me "the hand" and simply states, "I will be there in a moment, please."  I look at him waiting and he states again, "Go. I will be right there. I need to finish here."  I wonder where he's heard that one before?

Food is always an issue. Me casually trying to get him to try new things and he automatically yelling, "I can't like it!" or "I can't want peanut butter!"  Even though he loves peanut butter, instead he'll put on his "I'm an angel" face and plead, "I ne-ee-ed chips!"  That boy's obsession for Cool Ranch Doritos baffles even me. 

The other day I was putting on a movie for some quiet time and it was a library DVD that was having issues.  I couldn't get the main menu up and the screen went blank for a few minutes.  Jonah waited patiently while I kept fiddling with it to work.  About 4-5 minutes of a black screen, all of a sudden the menu came on and blared music.  And in a voice just like Dr. Frankenstein and both arms raised to the ceiling, Jonah yells "It's alive!"

NO idea where he learned that one.
He is quick to kiss and cuddle and love on me. He won't hold my hand in the parking lot but he gives great hugs complete with mewing sounds and a sappy, emotional "I LOVE you!" 

I know.  The stories themselves aren't that funny.  But when I am with him, I smile every time.  Not to say his day doesn't have its tantrums and monumental whining, but more often I find myself marveling at every new word, expression, & new trick, and feeling joy in his joy.  And this kid is filled with joy and loves life.  It can't help but be contagious. 

I love being a mom!


  1. I know exactly what you mean. There is nothing better then being a Mom.

  2. Love that kid. So glad he puts a smile on your beautiful face each day.

  3. Ha! What a little nut! It's so fun to see how children grow up with different personalities!

  4. What a fun little boy and I love his smile!

  5. these stories are hilarious!! I was just laughing my head off! But then again I am easily entertained and find everything that little kids do to be hilarious!!! He is such a funny funny boy!
