Monday, September 9, 2013

Quotes of the Month

Competition is strong with this one.

One morning while playing Play-doh, out of the blue, Jonah asks why Lucas was born before he was.

"I don't like that he was born before me!"

"Well, I don't know why Lucas came first, but I do know that it was part of Heavenly Father's plan and now you get an awesome big brother."

"No, it's not fair!  And it makes me sad.  Because he was enjoying with you guys before me!!"

Walking into the play place at the gym, Jonah and I were having the same old conversation of why he has to follow my directions.  I'm the mom, I'm in charge, and yes, I can tell him what to do. 
This concept can be very difficult for this stubborn four year old.  We signed in and I reminded him that these ladies were now in charge while I am gone.
And then like a movie cut scene, JB turned to the side and vowing revenge, he quietly but menacingly whispered to himself, “I’ll be in charge someday.”

Yes, but until that day, it is my mission to teach him to use his power for good and not evil!
As usual, out of the blue (At least for me. Something was going on in his head.), Jonah comes into my room and states. "I know this sounds ridiculous, but I will never choose wrong again! Lifting his fist with emphasis, "I will stand up for the right!"
He turns and walks away, "Yes! I will stand up for the right."
Good luck on that quest. :)


While on vacation, Jonah walks in on me getting out of the shower asking if he can swim in the hot tub with the other kids.  He suddenly asks me why I don't have a specific anatomical part that he does.  We've talked about this before of course, so I repeated the 4 year old health lesson about the difference between boys and girls. 

He just looks as me and shakes his head, "Man, if I was going to be a girl, I'd prepare for the worst!"

"What?! Why the worst? What's wrong with being a girl?"

Backpedaling, "Oh, nothing!  I'm saying, um, that, um if I was a girl...I would stand for the right!"


I never could get him to tell me what he thought was "the worst" about being a girl.


A few weeks ago, Jonah and I accompanied Lucas to a scout service project.  We were at the city commons center, sanding and refinishing wooden park benches.  Jonah started out strong, sanding like the big boys.  And then he asks, "Why are we doing this? Are we getting paid?"

"No, it's service.  The city does great things for our community and so we help them out by sanding the benches.  It's just a service we're doing."

"Oh. Well then, Mom, will you do some service for ME?" 

He hands me his sandpaper and walks away.

Pre teeth knock-out


  1. That kid is sharp--and hilarious. We had so much fun with you guys and miss you already!

  2. His little brain is always working the angle. He makes me laugh out loud!

  3. His little brain is always working the angle. He makes me laugh out loud!

  4. Wow, purely original, always entertaining. You couldn't make this stuff up! So fun!
