Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The lastest on the little one

Jonah is our little fish these days.  He's been taking swim lessons for about 10 weeks and LOVES it.  He's gone from completely drowning to.... not completely drowning.  I wouldn't exactly call it swimming, but he can hold his breath and kick at the same time.  He has class with two other 3 year old boys so it's a kick to watch.

You can kind of see him swimming out to his teacher.  :)

Jonah is kinda a weird kid...

He likes to tell strangers we're going to have a baby girl named Joy.  ("'Not pwetend, but a weal baby.")   ???

For weeks now he'll randomly throughout the day turn to me and say in his dreamy voice, "I like you, Mom."  I like him too.

Whenever we're in the store and someone comes over the loud speaker asking, for example, "So&So come to Sporting Goods," Jonah always yells, "Alright!  We'll be there in a minute! Hold your horses!"

A couple weeks ago I took Jonah out of sacrament meeting sitting him on the couch for time out.  I sat closely next to him to keep him in place and quiet but he kept ordering me to go sit in the chair on the other side of the room.  Quite loudly.  I continued to reject his suggestion.  All of a sudden, he turns on his sweet, angel face and quietly points out the picture of Christ across the room.  "Mom, (batting his eyelashes at me oh-so-tenderly) look at the picture of Jesus.....Jesus loves to help people, doesn't he?  Mom, Jesus wants to help YOU....GO TO JESUS MOM!  GO TO JESUS!"

Oh the cunning of these "innocent" ones. 

The other morning, Lucas, JB and I were playing a game of complete luck (Ants in the Can) and Jonah was having a lot of trouble, whining the entire game. So I helped him with his "ants." He finally got one in and yelled how he won. I told him the classic Lucas line, "Jonah, you need to say to the others "Good game. You played well." (That's a whole other story but it's a phrase muttered a lot around here.) Without missing a beat Jonah yells, "Good game. I played well." Emphasis added by the little man himself.

Yep, that about sums him up.  The world revolves around himself and any deviation will ignite mutiny and melt downs.  We hope this stage passes quickly.

I'll leave you with Jonah's rendition of his favorite songs, "ABC's" in C Major.


  1. "Alright! We'll be right there!" What a hilarious kid. Love you guys.

  2. Love these! Your kids always say the most hilarious things. They must have awesome parents or something...

    1. @Elizabeth - anything awesome from Jonah comes from his mother. Sadly, the sassy, obnoxious side comes from...his, what...wait. ;)

  3. Hold your horses? What a hoot he is.

  4. I guess all of that stuff seems really funny...if you're not his parent.
