Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jonah Quote of the Week #3

We've been encouraging potty training lately and Aaron was with him one day last week in the bathroom.  Jonah was sitting on his little frog potty and Aaron was patiently cheering him on.
After a few minutes of nothing, Jonah looks down at his "equipment" and cries, "Daddy!  It's broken!"  After a moment of contemplation he declares, "I gotta go get some batteries!"

(Yes, his hair is a disaster.  Yes, I cut it myself.  And yes, it's been rectified since this picture was taken. :)


  1. Brock and I LOVE reading about what funny things Jonah says. He is hilarious!!

  2. That is hilarious! One of the best Jonah quotes!

  3. Hillarious. My kids say that too...if something is broken, it simply needs batteries and it can be fixed. Wish it was always that simple. Anyway, love your JB quotes. He is one funny boy. Miss you guys!! :-)
